Friday, October 12, 2012

bull creek

you ever play a round of golf with people that just make you laugh? i played with the cow farmer, puddin and the bean counter today at bull creek. first i will say that for the small amount of money you pay to play at is worth it. the guy who runs the place is real regular. the course is in great shape and the greens were rolling good...a bit slow but good.

i introduced you to the bean counter a few months ago at a riverwood blog. the bean counter is a big guy, 6' 4" probably 240ish, with this deep, loud resonating voice..and a very regular guy...very fun to play golf with...just don't want to watch his swing. so on number one tee the teams are determined, puddin and the bean counter against us... also on the number one tee the onslaught of verbal abuse began, i'm gonna kick your ass, you cant spell golf, your mother is name it...funny thing about the abuse, it was from the bean counter...directed at puddin...his partner. i would have spit milk out my nose have the round. i really enjoy playing golf with a bunch of guys who just want to have fun. now don't misunderstand that; i like to get serious and compete...but i have not really played enough this summer to get serious.

so if you want someone on your team that can talk major junk, you want the bean counter. and if you want someone on your team that can take major junk, you want puddin.

we have a foursome going to myrtle beach in a few weeks that will be fun, i will try and blog after each round if i am sober enough, so keep tuned for more on that...also if you are wanting to get some club work done, don't go to the guy who has a shop in the popular driving range on capital boulevard in raleigh...word is he will make you some crappy clubs and then laugh at you after he takes your money. of course i am referring to the last post, but keep tuned for more on that as well...don't mess with my wife, kids, car or clubs, unless of course you want me to go irregular on your ass.

until next time... golf your balls.

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