Monday, May 21, 2012

scotch hall preserve

regular guys that play golf sometimes like to play with other regular guys in a serious competition...or a tournament. i have not been playing golf as long as most of you that are reading this, but i play a lot of tournament golf...and really like the competition. i just played in a cga event at scotch hall preserve in merry hill, nc

the course was designed and built by the king himself; and it is a tremendous layout. an easy trip to the edge of the state or at least to the albemarle sound. on your way into the course you pass fields of lavender that are really cool to see. a botanical fragrance farm is close. as i pulled up to the gate the security guard had a big smile on his face like he was really glad to see i pulled in the condition of the course was immediately evident...absolutely perfect. fairways had been recently mowed and looked like carpet. greens were green and although they had been punched within the last 14 days, they rolled like a pool table. i was really excited to be in this tournament and on such a fantastic course. conditions were the best i have seen this year.
the hole in the picture above is a short par 3 over some jungle with the sound on your left and of course sand left right and long. this gives you a good idea of how fabulous this course is a buried treasure on the nc coast. i will rate courses on a scale of:

regular course *
better than a regular course **
really better than a regular course ***

scotch hall preserve is ***
i was quoted a daily play rate of $55 before 1pm and $50 after 1pm
see them on the web here
now for the tournament my opinion you really have to be trying to mess up a tournament, i know there is a lot of preparation and planning involved, but if you do that and you treat people know smile, shake their hands, be pleasant...regular behavior towards other folks, your tournament is going to go well. in this case went of without a hitch.

next post will be a product review, so between now and then golf your balls

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